Cheryl Lee

cheryllee at
Office: RM 101, SHB
💡 My research interest lies in leveraging AI, including LLMs, to enhance the efficiency and reliability of software development, analysis, and maintenance. In particular:
- Automated testing, debugging and repairing.
- Resource allocation and fault diagnosis in cloud computing.
📚 Bio: I’m a 3rd year PhD Computer Science candidate at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) advised by Michael R. Lyu. I am fortunate to work with Lingming Zhang at UIUC. Before coming to CUHK, I completed my undergrad at Peking University, majoring in Computer Science and obtained a master’s degree in Operations Research from Cornell Tech. I’ve published 6 papers (4 first-authored) in top conferences ICSE, ASE, and ICDE (CORE A*) .